Monday, December 7, 2009

Our Murder Mystery Supper!

Ryan and I!

Craig and Pam Carpenter!

Monty and Suzanne Pihrag

Julianne Radom and Jesse Langmo

Brent and Sarah Radom

Baby Sara!

This is part of Sara's bedroom that Grandma Donna painted. She did a beautiful job!

Yesterday afternoon we went to see Trent and Leah in Stettler. Actually it more to see Sara (sorry guys ;). She is beautiful and precious and we really enjoyed cuddling with her. Thanks Trent and Leah!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just For Beatrice

Your Precious little pumpkins that I can't help but love to pieces!

Shel's arrangement at our house!

Visiting Ang and the Kids!

My Time With The Tarves' was great! Thanks Ang and Reag and kidsss!

Friday, June 26, 2009

More Pictures

Yay!!!! A New Post!!!!!

This is pics of weddings that we have recently attended. Ty and Caryn Knutson and Scott and Vanessa Massey.