Monday, April 25, 2011

Zoey Loves the Outdoors!


reagan. andrea. said...

Well - she certainly is cute!! I love that toothy little grin! xx to my tralalalalala!

Jewels said...

You rock Zoey! LOVE those glasses and especially that happy grin! Sure would be fun to see you this summer so lets keep our fingers crossed in hopes it works out :-)

reagan. andrea. said...

My you've really outdone yourself! The blog looks real pretty!

shel said...

Oh Zoey! I love how you look over the top of ur sunglasses when they're on! haha And just to rub it in to the other aunties... I get to live with Zoey manoey this week!

Trent & Leah Erickson said...

Aww she is just too cute! I love the hearts and strips! Looks great! :) xoxox to Zozo