Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our Little Princess

Wearing Mommy's high heels

Looking really lady-like (she's learned this from her Mom!)

So pleased with herself :)


Jewels said...

Oh Zoey! You are awesome! I love the way you wear mom's heals - very feminine and oh so practical for getting on that car! ;-) Kisses to you sweet little niece.

reagan. andrea. said...

She sure is dainty! She's got one foot figured - now she needs to find that other shoe! :)
We'll have to get out the heels for her and sis to prance in next time they get together!

The Boys' Mom said...

Hi, Tomo sent us your blog address and we just want to say thank you for helping in him out along his way. He has talked a lot about you all. Your little one is just cute, enjoy the years as they just slip away.